Week To Week...
The Virginia Group of Parishes is a busy place week to week.
Each parish organisations plays an important part in the life and ministry of the church, they include:
Gigglers and Wriggles - Parent and Tots group meets weekly in Virginia Hall on a Tuesday Morning from 10am to 12pm.
The Girls Friendly Society (GFS) for girls ages 4+. Currently not running due to lack of leaders.
Grazers Youth Club (Teens) meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Friday nights from 8.30pm to 10pm in Billis Hall.
The Mothers' Union which meets monthly.
Fodder Group - Bible Study
Prayer Shawl - Holy knitters who meet twice monthly to knit prayer shawls for those who needs some comfort.
Messy Church - A different way of doing church through songs, stories and crafts.
Whist Drives meet twice monthly on a Tuesday in Virginia Hall.
Indoor Bowls which meets on a Monday night from 8pm in Billis Hall.
Holiday Bible Club which runs during the first week of July.
In Lurgan (Virginia) Church there is also Sunday School during the morning service.
We also run from time to time: Christianity Explored and other discipling courses.
Each church also has its own Select Vestry made up of parishioners who meet periodically to discuss matters of importance to the church such as church maintenance and fund raising. Representation is also made on behalf of the Virginia Group of Parishes to the Kilmore Diocesan Council.
If you would like to find our more about what goes on through the parish you can contact the Rector.