Parish Records

Records of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials
are available as follows:
Lurgan (Virginia) church from 1831
Munterconnaught church from 1845
Billis church from 1844
Killinkere church from 1840
Lurgan (Virginia) church from 1831
Munterconnaught church from 1845
Billis church from 1844
Killinkere church from 1840
There is a charge of €10 for searching the records (done by the Rector) Monies must be received before search is carried out.
Cheques can be sent to Ven. Craig McCauley, The Rectory, Virginia, Cavan, Ireland and made out to Ven. Craig McCauley Resource.
Cheques can be sent to Ven. Craig McCauley, The Rectory, Virginia, Cavan, Ireland and made out to Ven. Craig McCauley Resource.
If you want to see the records in person that must also be done by prior arrangement.