Safeguarding Trust
We care deeply about our children and young people...
Safeguarding Trust means that our children and young people are protected from all kinds of abuse, and that the parish is consciously promoting their general safety and welfare. Children’s and Youth ministry is only possible because of the commitment of adults who are prepared to work with children and who have been selected, appointed and trained in Safeguarding Trust to feel confident that they are adhering to good practices and that they are protected from unfounded allegations.
Across the Virginia Group of Parishes all our church children's and youth groups comply with the Safeguarding Trust, the Church of Ireland’s Child Protection Policy.
All leaders are fully Church and Gardai vetted.
More information on Safeguarding Trust can be found on the

The Church of Ireland safeguarding policies and procedure applies to
all clergy, staff and volunteers but especially those who have regular
contact with children or adults who may be more at risk of harm or abuse
because of their personal or life circumstances. The guidance applies to all aspects of ministry in the Church of Ireland
whether within a church building or within parishioners’ homes. It is
the responsibility of everyone in the Church of Ireland to ensure that
children and adults at risk of harm due to their personal
characteristics and/or life circumstances are not left at risk of abuse.
Church organisations have a duty to promote the safety and welfare and
thereby safeguard children and adults at risk.